Go 4 Gold
The Go 4 Gold project is focussed upon students who are in Key Stage 3.
It is essentially for students who might be at risk of becoming NEET students in the future and so might already be demonstrating certain types some behaviour that would hamper their success at school.
This project involves a variety of sessions over a four month period, with groups initially joining other schools for a one day “BRONZE extravaganza” of physical and performance challenges.
As a result of the “Bronze” days a number of students would then be selected to move onto the “SILVER” stage of the programme. In this phase over a six week period of afternoon sessions they would be able to develop more in depth skills in a chosen sport or performing field as well and taking ownership of the planning and delivery of a borough wide event to showcase their abilities.
The final “GOLD” group would further develop beyond the event to gain coaching, mentoring and project management skills supporting the development of any future project.
All three stages are aimed at engaging young people in new challenges through raising self esteem and confidence.
Engagement in this programme might be used as a motivational tool in school, encouraging positive effort and behaviour.