

It is often difficult for schools to source meaningful work experience opportunities for learners with a disability.  Indeed, we recognise the challenges faced by those with a disability, so we have on offer a particular placement of work related experiences for these specific students.

This placement would involve around 10 learners for a whole week.  They would work together as a team to learn from each other, and to report back at the end of that time about their experiences.  This could help to inform practice and strategy for a company in future to provide support for both learners and colleagues with disabilities.

We offer the project in order to

  • To provide for students for whom a disability would present a barrier to accessing a suitable / positive work experience placement to gain worthwhile and meaningful skills through experience of work which would also deliver high quality learning outcomes in support of their school courses.
  • To enable students to work closely with employers and external guests.
  • To enable students to identify, practise and develop employability skills.
  • To enable students to explore a real-life work environment within a company/business to establish priorities and opportunities for a disabled employee from the point of view of the young person.
  • To facilitate the opportunity for the young people to work together

If you would be interested in using our services with a specific group of students please contact us.